Thursday, June 26, 2008

Secret Meetings

really. what is the point. I hate it. i think everyone has a right to know what is going on. This shit pisses me off. i need a new job.

"See you in September Jerry"

Looks like the House Appropriations Committee won't be getting anything done during the month of July... FUN TIMES.

Dream: Round 2

So... as I was trying to say earlier

9 days to go. I'm going nuts. I don't know if i'm going to make it.

I've been really flaky at work (i totally spaced and didn't remember to do a memo for the BOSS until the last minute) and at home. Just forgetting stuff.

Monday night I had another wedding dream - about food. I don't remember what the problem was but i remember being worried about the food.

Tuesday night I went to bed early at 10:15 pm since i had to get up early the next day to do the memo... I couldn't fall asleep b/c I things were running through my mind about wedding day logistics and all of the "to do" items for the day of.
Who is bring the liquor to the location? bringing it home?
who is driving D and I? driving us home?
who is bringing the picture frame?
who is meeting the vendors?
etc etc etc.
So i rolled over to look at the clock and it was 11:45 pm! AAAHHH! So i wrote everything down that i was thinking about and promptly went to sleep.

Today I am at work but i just want to go home. I have no meetings. I feel like crud. I think the margaritas last night might have something to do with that.....

Another Wedding Dream....

crap. i just wrote a nice long post and blogger just took a big dump and lost it. maybe i'll write it again later.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dream Job....

what does that mean??

Monday, June 16, 2008


I got my official time: 1:59:45
I was 14th out of 20 in my age group (women 30 - 34) but I was 246 out of 281 finishers.
Splits are as follows:
Swim: 7:27
T1: 4:35
Bike: 1:08:36
T2: 2:24
Run: 36:43
I think i made good time on all except the run. I've done 5Ks closer to 31 min. I think this is really where i can improve on my time - also on my swim - i think i can lose those 27 seconds and shorten my transition times with better preparedness... My goal is to shave 6 minutes off my time the next race i do. Starting to look for one in early September....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I am alive

Unofficial time of 2 hours. Hopefully i should have my official time tomorrow. Race was 1/4 mile swim, 14.7 mile bike, 5K. Fun times. My legs are kinda sore and i'm really tired since i got up at 4:30 this morning but otherwise I am good.

Here are a few pics:

In the pool.....

Starting my bike ride....

Final hill of the 5 K to the finish line. Woo Hoo!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bundle of Nerves

I am going nuts. I am a bundle of nerves - have been for the last week or so. I've got a nervous rash on my finger. I've gotten these before when i was in college and I was worried about finals. Great.
I am getting increasingly nervous about the wedding (3 weeks and 1 day) and I am SUPER nervous about my race on Sunday.
S.O. and I rode the bike portion of the tri last weekend. 15 miles. uuuggghhh. Once I got to the first BIG hill around mile 5 I totally lost it. I had to get off my bike and walk it up the hill. how depressing....
There were two other SUPER big hills around mile 8 and then one last beeeotch of a hill at mile 14. I was able to ride those hills but it was unbelieveably painful and scary.
At this point I just want to finish the race standing up. It is going to be hard.
To top it all off it is supposed to rain this weekend and I am scared to death of wiping out going DOWN the big hills. When I rode them last weekend I was going REALLY fast and I am inexperienced with riding in the rain. Fun Times. If I don't type again anytime soon it is because I broke my arms flying over my handle bars during the race.
I will post an update after the race.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Movies that take place in Congress

I am tainted forever. I assume a lot of people are this way when they see their profession performed up on the big screen. I really have a hard time enjoying movies that take place in Congress or have anything to do with how Congress operates because i find myself nit-picking every little thing and my mind can't help but recognize when something is totally wrong or wouldn't be done a certain way.
For example - I watched Evan Almighty over the weekend.
Evan is a freshman Congressman newly elected from New York. He arrives on the Hill - and parks in his assigned parking spot on the West Lawn of the Capitol Building. He enters the building to greetings of "Goodmorning Congressman Baxter" from everyone he passes. He enters his palatial office and meets his Congressional staff for the first time. Apparently he only knows his office manager (Wanda Sikes - who is really funny) and his COS - Although he identifies his title as "Legislative Assistant" but I have NEVER met an LA over 40 and this guy looks like he is at least 45....
A few minutes later the LA carries in a 2 foot stack of paper - a bill he says - that the Senior Member from Wherever wants him to "Junior Co-sponsor" and he expects Evan to READ the entire bill over the weekend!! HA HA HA!!! This is too funny! Everything about this is ALL wrong and therefore taints my viewing experience.
Becides nit-picking my way through the movie i really did enjoy it - quite cheesy with a very strong pro-environmental bend - but it wasn't a bad way to waste an afternoon.