Monday, April 12, 2010

South Beach Round 2: Day 12

So technically today is day 12 but really it's more like day 6. The first 4 days I had to cheat because of previously scheduled events and this past weekend also involved some cheating on the diet as well (chicken wings and beer on Friday night, beer and dinner out with the family on Sat). No cheating during the week last week and hopefully I'll be able to get through this week. The pressure at work to cheat is pretty tough. Lots of free munchies, goodies and sweets. Since I started on the first I've lost 4 lbs but that could be anything... pants are still tight... looking forward to Friday for the next weigh-in. Fun times.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

South Beach Round 2: Day 1

Today is day one of my second effort to do the South Beach diet. The first time I did it was in September of 2008. It was mildly successful. I followed the diet for the first two weeks by the book (except I didn't give up the booze) and I stayed on phase 1 for a third week and modified it a bit with a few phase 2 options. I did phase 2 for two weeks. After about 5 weeks I lost around 7 pounds. Pretty cool. I gained it all back and then some during 2009.

So here I am, April 1, 2010 going in for round two. I have my grocery list written out for all of the food I need for the next 4 days. One thing about this diet that sux is that it is pretty expensive to maintain. I am trying to take this into account when I plan my menu for the week.

I think I am going to have to do 3 weeks with phase 1 again. We have a lot of dinner's out scheduled for the next 2 weeks so I still kind of feel like I'm cheating a bit, which means that for all of my other meals I need to be very strict and serious about sticking to the diet.

Which brings me to today. Day 1 and it is a colleague's birthday. You know what that means. Peer pressure to participate in the group office order for pizza and then cake or some kind of sugary treat later.

I've declined the invite to participate in the pizza party THREE TIMES already this morning. Geeze. Just let me eat my romaine lettuce with chicken breast and low sugar ranch dressing with my sugar-free Jello in peace.

I'll have another go-round with the office folks in about an hour when it is dessert time. Great.