Monday, April 30, 2007

Date Night

Every once in a while it is important to go out on a date with your significant other.

Friday night d and I had a date night. We started out the evening with dinner at Maggie Moore's - a pretty good irish restaurant/bar right across the street from the Hippodrome theatre.

We started with appetizers - D got soup (can't remember which kind) and I got their version of the Wedge. D said the soup was OK. My salad was also just OK. The salad would have been better if they took out more of the inner core of the lettuce. also, it only came with a few cherry toms and a couple of cucumber slices. I would have prefered more veggies. The dressing was supposed to be a blue cheese and tomato vinegrette but it tasted like watered down blue cheese with a little kick. Like i said... just ok...

For dinner D had the Shepard's Pie and I had the fish and chips. Our entrees were GREAT! We had to eat some good irish food to forget the nasty food from J. Patricks.

After dinner we went to Bedrock Billards to shoot a little pool. I was surprised at how dead the bar was. There are 6 tables upstairs and a bunch downstairs. I didn't make it downstairs, but upstairs there were at least 3 tables open the entire time we were there.

We played 3 games. D won all three, but it wasn't for a lack of trying. The first game I had two balls left. The second game I scratched on the 8 and the third game i had two balls left.

We were home by midnight. It was a good night.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Concert Review: Chris Cornell

So I went to see Chris Cornell at Ram's Head Live! two nights ago.... It was OK.

Stage was VERY sparse - i think my boyfriend's band has more stage accessories than CC did last night. CC was pretty good - did a bunch of old Soundgarden songs, some newer Audioslave, a few solo songs from the time in between those bands, and a couple of new songs with his new band.

He introduced the new band a few times - i still have no idea what they are called (they weren't listed on the website or on any promtional materials.)

Typical show - they played for about 2 hours and then went backstage and came back for their first encore. It was at this point that CC started asking the crowd, "what's my name?" - Like 4 times! Hello? um... we know your name - that's why we were there.... it just seemed a little self-centered and rude actually... they played one more song and then left the stage again.

It was at this point that d and i left. Apparently the band came back on stage for a second encore and they played a cover of Michael Jackson's Billie JEan. The Post gave this song a so/so review.

Over all I would have to say that i give the experience a B- for their sparse stage setting, being rude, performing like a really good cover band (not really tight unless they were playing one of their original songs), and not having any girl/woman concert t-shirt options. This grade would have been a "C" but he is still totally HOT for being like 40 years old.

Concerts: Rules to Live By

So... there are a few rules that concert goers must abide by if you don't want to look like a loser or seriously injure yourself.

You will see that most of these have some exceptions but should only be used when absolutely necessary....

The Rules:

1. NEVER wear the same artist/tour shirt that you are going to see. (Exception: you are wearing a T-shirt that you got 10 years ago the first time you saw the band and that particular tour totally rocked; or, you spilled something on your shirt that makes it unwearable (beer not an excuse) and therefore the only thing you can do is purchase a shirt at the show so that you have something to wear.)

2. NEVER wear open-toed shoes to a concert. For obvious reasons, when people get in a crowded setting like a bar or concert venue you can expect that your feet will get stepped on at least once - even if you have no intention of going into a mosh pit (see rule 3). (Exception: band is playing on a beach.)

3. Don't go into a mosh pit if you are over 30 years old - no exceptions for this one.

4. It is OK to bring your kid to a concert as long as you don't bitch about all of the bad words and drinking that the kid is going to be exposed to.

5. Don't drink too much - you want to be able to get home safely - a DD is the best way to go on this one. Also, you also might want to actually remember the show later on. - no exceptions to this one.

** In a perfect world ** all of the tall people would stay towards the back to allow the shorter people an opportunity to actually see the performers...

.... this is all i have for now - i will up-date this list as i get irritated at the shows i go to this summer and think up new rules.

please feel free to send me additional suggestions.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Additional Thoughts about VT

I watched the memorial service while at work yesterday. I knew that when I couldn't stop crying while trying to dry my hair before coming to work that I should have stayed home.

The memorial service was very moving but i have to say, the thing that keeps getting to me is looking out my window at the flag flying over the Capitol at half-staff.

that is what really makes it real for me.

this is just such a horrible thing. I am heartbroken over this. My beloved university was defiled and will never be the same again.

I will never feel the same way about the university as i did when i woke up Monday morning. Everything has changed.

All i want to do is be there in blacksburg with other hokies...

I saw a few people at the gym last night wearing VT shirts... I imagine they are feeling the same way as I am. Although I didn't know anyone there it is still devastating.

I can already tell that what is really going to piss me off about this is that people will forget those who were murdered and injured and will only focus on the "controversy" of why the students weren't notified to stay off campus after the first shooting.

WBAL's water cooler question of the day this morning was, "in light of the incident at VT, have your views on gun laws changed?" - What a stupid question.

I do believe in a right to bear arms, and apparently this kid did everything legit and by the book. Changing the gun laws in VA or nationally won't prevent this type of thing from happening again. Although I do support an assault weapons ban, something like that would not have had any impact on this situation.

The only thing that will prevent this from happening again, is people paying attention to their friends and acquaintances, and if something seems off - TELL SOMEONE! The media is reporting that this murderer had all of the classic signs of someone capable of doing this and yet no one intervened. Apparently a former teacher recommended he go to counseling but it seems nothing came of it.

That's it for now. Work starts soon. I am sure I will have more to say later.

Where Were You When....?

Our generation has a few of these...

Where were you when OJ ran from the police in his white Bronco?

- I was in my dorm my freshman year at VT watching on a friend's TV.

Where were you when the Columbine Massacre occured?

- I was on my couch at 1108 Progress Street in Blacksburg eating a bowl of cereal.

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

- I was working in Washington, DC at the CEG. I remember being scared to ride the Metro home to my apartment in Alexandrea, but I did it. I remember walking home from the Van Dorn Metro station (about a mile) and being able to see the smoke from the Pentagon.

Where were you when the Space Shuttle Columbia distegrated on re-entry?

- I was unemployed - working out at the gym that morning and watching it live on TV.

Where were you when the U.S. found and captured Saddam Hussein?

- totally random, but I was in Wal-Mart and they had their propaganda monitors tuned to the news

Where were you on April 16, 2007, when a mad-man murdered 32 people at Virginia Tech?

- I was at the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center, again watching it unfold in real time.

..... It is sad. unfortunately this list will only get longer...

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Tragic Event

Today is a sad and horrific day for everyone at Virginia Tech, the Tech community and the nation.
i feel sick.

the news is saying this is the deadliest shooting in U.S. history. 33 people are dead and at least 15 people are injured.

it is heart breaking.

i had the best 4 years if my life at VT.

Every person at VT today will NEVER be able to say that. their experience at VT will forever be marred by this horrible event.

It just breaks my heart that VT will always be remembered as the university with the deadliest shooting in history.

i just dont understand how people can do something so horrible. i can't believe it.

of course i couldn't get any work done today - i just watched the news all day. All i wanted to do was go home and be with D and my friends.

it is just so sad.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

Imus - he's gotta go.

Bush Administration - gotta go. Seriously. Wether or not they did anything illegal regarding the firing of the US Attorneys they are acting like they did something wrong by being obstructionist and "deleting" e-mails.

My Dodge Neon - gotta go.

welcome back - let's save the world

the last few weeks have been a little crazy. Had to go to Charleston, SC for work for 5 days. It was pretty cool. I had never been there before so i jumped at the opportunity. I learned about how we are totally destroying the environment and what the good people at NOAA are doing to save the oceans.

While we were tooling around the estuarine reserve I saw alligators and DOLPHINS! How cool is that?!

today: this weather is crazy! It is April 15th and we are expecting a NOR'EASTER to put the smackdown on the East Coast! I feel like we are in the movie "Day After Tomorrow." Soon we will see tornadoes in LA. For as cheezy at is is, i totally love that movie. I watch it all the time when the weather is nasty. it is a good reminder that we need to do more to protect the planet.

I think i am becoming a tree-hugger...