Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fuck You Very Much

People are full of shit. Seriously.
Yes - thank you for protecting that special seat next to you.
Your story that the occupant was in the bathroom was not convincing - especially when he showed up 5 minutes later OBVIOUSLY from outside the train and you lifted YOUR bag so he could sit there. Thank you beeeotch. I hope you enjoy his company.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ok Ok

So I am one of the people called out by Capitol Swell for not updating my blog. Sorry - I've been busy.
So... what's new... let's see....
WORK: we are in the thick of appropriations season at work and my hearings start today so I am anticipating a few late nights in the next week or so.
TRAINING: i signed up for a new training program at the gym - a triathalon training program. In addition to running the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in early April I am going to do a sprint triathalon in mid-June. Sweet!
WEDDING UPDATE: we finally booked the DJ and the florist. We are now looking at invitations and working on scheduling a meeting with the caterer for a tasting and to pick our linens, etc.
HOMELIFE: is good. D and I are doing well. Had a lovely V-Day dinner at home and have been hanging out with friends (very few band gigs in Feb). Sister is getting settled in Hawaii. Mom is looking for retirement communities in Florida.
That's it for now. I will write something interesting later tonight...