Friday, July 25, 2008

Lessons Learned

I am a mess. i went camping last weekend and fell (was pulled down by a 100 lb dog) down a rocky cliff about 20 feet high and bruised myself from head to toe. Fun times!
I also got pink eye from the river that we were tubing in. again fun times!
Note to Self: don't wear contacts in any body of water ever again.
Got it.
I have been half blind all week and my eyes are super sensitive to light. I need to wear like 3 pairs of sun glasses in order to be outside. Driving is kinda dangerous but I had to go to work. I took off Mon and Tues but.... i guess i really didn't NEED to come in this week....

Monday, July 14, 2008

A few more thoughts about the wedding

I have been married 10 days and it doesn't feel any different.
i just wanted to say that my wedding day was the best day of my life. I married my soulmate and my best friend and I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him.
AND - the day was PERFECT!
(I had a little drama with the dress - thanks again Tide to Go Pen - but otherwise...)
Food was tasty, flowers were beautiful, DJ was awesome, the photographer did an amazing job, drinks were flowing, it didn't rain (although was a little humid) and it seemed everyone had a good time. I will have happy memories of this day for the rest of my life!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Jury Duty

So after all of this wedding business i was called for jury duty today.
I spent most of the day in the "quiet room" working on my thank you notes. Lunch was from 12:30 - 1:45. I fell asleep around 1:30 and woke up around 2:30 to the sound of my number being called to report to a court room. Great.
I headed upstairs and took a seat in the room. We went through the voi dure - a tortureous 2.5 hours and at the end of it i ended up as juror number 11 for a two day trial starting tomorrow. fun times. the guy is charged with making a false statement to police. i'm really not sure why something so lame would end up at trial let alone a two day trial. i guess we'll see.
The jury is made up of about 6 black women (including the 2 alternates), 5 black men, 2 white men, and me. I am the only white woman on the jury and by the looks of it I am also the only person under the age of 40. This is going to be interesting.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wedding Bliss

The deed is done. The fees have been paid, the license has been filed and just like that we are married.

Woo Hoo!

Saturday was a great day! It was a little touch and go for both of us earlier in the day - we were both so nervous that we felt like we were going to get sick. Luckly neither of us did.

We started the day with photos at 3 pm at the house "getting ready." We then headed to Mt. Vernon and the the Washington Monument (here in Baltimore) for some wedding party photos.

It was threatening to rain (sort of - the weather report said 50% chance for the entire day.) Thank goodness it didn't rain - although it was REALLY hot walking around in my dress outside.

We took a lot of good pics. At one point i got rust on my dress and my girls came to my rescue. Thank you ladies! (And Tide to Go pen!!)

We made it to Chase Court around 5 and took a few family photos and then I escaped to the bride's room to hide out until the ceremony.

I was still kinda nervous about the ceremony but i knew it would work out and it did! Our friend MB did the ceremony and it was GREAT! He really took the whole thing seriously and did an amazing job! I don't really know how to thank him enough.

The ceremony was a "land speed record" as the hubby ;-) would say. I think from start to finish took about 20 minutes. It was a fast 20 minutes. The entire thing just flew by and before i knew it we were done. I'm pretty sure I only took a breath about once a minute. (dress was a little tight.)

We took some more family pics during the cocktail hour and we were able to actually eat some of our appetizers.

We sort of fumbled through our first dance but it was WAAY better than if we had not taken any lessons at all.

Next we had dinner - yummy! I hope everyone had enough to eat. I didn't get to try any of the cheese. Darn.

Then we did toasts. My sisters was quite nice and the best man's was really personal and embarassed the hubby (aka Mr. Hokie). We opened up the dance floor, ate some cake, and before i knew it it was time to wrap up the party. WOW! It went by soooo fast.

I had a great time and i know Mr. Hokie did too.

Thank you to everyone who came! We are really glad that you were able to be a part of the big day!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Last Night as Miss....

Tomorrow is the big day. Just wanted to do a quick post to say that i'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I am also super nervous about the whole thing - although i am pretty confident that things will be fine. the weather looks kinda sketchy with 50% chance of thunderstorms all day. great.
If i'm am conscious i will write again on Sunday with a recap of the day's events.
Woo Hoo!