Friday, June 13, 2008

Bundle of Nerves

I am going nuts. I am a bundle of nerves - have been for the last week or so. I've got a nervous rash on my finger. I've gotten these before when i was in college and I was worried about finals. Great.
I am getting increasingly nervous about the wedding (3 weeks and 1 day) and I am SUPER nervous about my race on Sunday.
S.O. and I rode the bike portion of the tri last weekend. 15 miles. uuuggghhh. Once I got to the first BIG hill around mile 5 I totally lost it. I had to get off my bike and walk it up the hill. how depressing....
There were two other SUPER big hills around mile 8 and then one last beeeotch of a hill at mile 14. I was able to ride those hills but it was unbelieveably painful and scary.
At this point I just want to finish the race standing up. It is going to be hard.
To top it all off it is supposed to rain this weekend and I am scared to death of wiping out going DOWN the big hills. When I rode them last weekend I was going REALLY fast and I am inexperienced with riding in the rain. Fun Times. If I don't type again anytime soon it is because I broke my arms flying over my handle bars during the race.
I will post an update after the race.

1 comment:

ART said...