Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome Back

It's been a while so I thought I'd say Hi. I'm sorry I haven't been around much but you know how things go. Life just kind of gets in the way. That and I don't think anyone reads what I write anyways.
So.. What's new? Let's see. I just had a birthday. Fun times. Not a milestone or anything, just your middle of the decade birthday. Had a nice dinner.
Christmas was cool. Husband got me a Kindle. Pretty Sweet. Looking forward to giving it some action tomorrow on the train ride to work.
Work is super slow right now which is a good thing. People are in some really shitty situations. I always wonder how they got there. Everyone has a different starting point and I know life is a series of decisions and choices and I will always believe that but sometimes I think no matter how many correct decisions people make LIFE happens and bad stuff happens. I gotta leave it at the door when I leave work otherwise it will make me nuts.
I am glad to be back working for my previous boss. It just feels comfortable. I know they say being "comfortable" is not always the best way to feel about a job but I think in this case it is a good thing. I am comfortable with my boss and co-workers so I think doing new things with this job will be fun and hopefully interesting.
Things on the home-front are good. Husband is happy with his new-ish job and we are doing well together. Everyone is busy busy but we are all trying to make time to see our friends. Family is another issue.
Christmas dinner w/ my folks was canceled b/c of the snow storm and we haven't rescheduled yet. I spoke w/ Dad on Xmas day but he was the only one. Sis sent me a msg on facebook. Never heard from mom. Apparently she is on a little vacation with her new boyfriend. I guess I could have called her but... didn't.
I guess that's it for now.
Here's hoping 2010 is better than 2009, that VT wins the Chick-Fil-A bowl on Thursday night, and that everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve.
I'll try to write more.