Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dream: Round 2

So... as I was trying to say earlier

9 days to go. I'm going nuts. I don't know if i'm going to make it.

I've been really flaky at work (i totally spaced and didn't remember to do a memo for the BOSS until the last minute) and at home. Just forgetting stuff.

Monday night I had another wedding dream - about food. I don't remember what the problem was but i remember being worried about the food.

Tuesday night I went to bed early at 10:15 pm since i had to get up early the next day to do the memo... I couldn't fall asleep b/c I things were running through my mind about wedding day logistics and all of the "to do" items for the day of.
Who is bring the liquor to the location? bringing it home?
who is driving D and I? driving us home?
who is bringing the picture frame?
who is meeting the vendors?
etc etc etc.
So i rolled over to look at the clock and it was 11:45 pm! AAAHHH! So i wrote everything down that i was thinking about and promptly went to sleep.

Today I am at work but i just want to go home. I have no meetings. I feel like crud. I think the margaritas last night might have something to do with that.....

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