Monday, April 28, 2008

Wedding Dream # 2

So last night I had my second dream about the wedding... really it was about wedding planning. I spent the good part of Sunday evening finishing up addressing invitations and was thinking about all of the things we still need to do in the next week - finish getting addresses from people, print direction cards, figure out how much it will cost to mail the invites (non-standard envelope and 2 oz = approx .75 each - BUT the postal rates are going up in a week so we need to get these out the door soon), then figure out favors. I've decided I don't want to have any. I want to make a donation to a local charity.
My dream was basically just a repeat of what i spent all day doing on Sunday. Over and Over and Over. I was tired when i woke up. not fun. At least i haven't started freaking out. Yet.
Bridal shower is this Sat. I'm nervous. It is weird being the center of attention... i need to make sure i don't drink too much - as i've seen happen with other brides at their showers.
Super busy. Every weekend has something planned between now and the wedding. 9 weeks and 4 days to go.

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