Monday, April 28, 2008

I wish I had Time

There are a lot of "good" movies coming out soon that I'd like to see - the problem is that S.O. and I only go to the movies about twice a year. Given what's coming up it looks like we will end up seeing more than two this year. We usually only go to action movies in the theater and then wait until other stuff comes out on tape (DVD). We will see at least a few of these in no particular order:
Incredible Hulk (I love Ed Norton!!)
the new Chronicles of Narnia movie: Prince Caspian
the new Indiana Jones movie (I know Harrison Ford is like 70 years old - but he is still not difficult to look at - but he is showing his age a bit in the movie poster - a little chubby and wrinkly)
the new Batman
the new Mummy movie
I'm seeing a trend here. All of the movies I want to see are sequels. Hmmm... does this mean that I have a lack of imagination or that the other movies coming out this summer suck? - again i do have a bias toward only seeing action movies in the theater....

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