Sunday, May 20, 2007

Taking Public Transportation: Rules to live by

ok... so now we know i take the train to work everyday.

public transportation is an interesting thing. you get all kinds of people.

Here are basic rules that should be followed when taking public transportation - the MARC train specifically...

1. bathe
2. familularize yourself with the schedule
3. don't take up more than one seat - either with your fat ass or with your crap
4. sit with your legs closed. I understand that dudes can't sit with their legs completely closed other wise they might hurt themselves, but seriously, i don't believe for one minute that you need to sit with your legs so wide that you create a 90 degree angle between your legs.
5. NO PERSONAL HYGEINE on the train - this includes but is not limited to: trimming or filing fingernails and applying make-up
6. you can speak / talk on your phone, but try not to be so loud about it. No one on the train gives two shits that your kid needs to be picked up or what you are having for dinner...
7. if the conductor says don't stand on the stairs or in between cars then don't do it.
8. also, don't mess with the little switches at the ends of that cars that keep the door open. Who do you think you are?

this is it for now... more to come later

1 comment:

CapitolSwell said...

You are all about the rules.