Saturday, November 17, 2007

Movie Review: Anger Management

I got Anger Management starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson delivered from Netflix last week. S.O. and I watched it last night. I was not impressed.

I am a fan of Adam Sandler and usually like his movies (Waterboy - classic). This movie just didn't do it for me. Overall, it wasn't funny. There are a few (4) funny scenes in the movie and two of them involved the fat cat named Meatball. The third - in case you are interested - is when the Lawyer (Kevin Nealon) threw a tennisball at a blind guy in court to see how blind he really is. The 4th is when Woody Harrilson is dressed up in drag.... geeze. It has been a while since i wanted to turn off a new movie mid play. it really was that bad.

I can't wait to see what the next moviedelivered is...

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