Thursday, November 15, 2007

Top 10 Worst Things People Do on the MARC

by popular demand....

10. Littering

9. Talking on the cell phone (esp. about personal stuff like what happend at the Dr.'s office earlier) for longer than a minute or two.

8. Arguing with the Conductor EVERY MORNING about why you would rather stand and why you refuse to move to the next car to find a seat

7. Tourists who bring their screaming children on the train and are surprised when there are no seats @ 6:38 pm for the 6:40 pm departure

6. People who bitch about how slow the train is and therefore are going to miss their 8:30 pm flight - of course this has noting to do with the fact that they decided to cut it close by taking the 6:40 pm train...

5. Toursits who take up two seats with luggage

4. Commuters who take up two seats with with coat/purse/briefcase, etc. This is worse than tourists b/c commuters know better...

3. All personal hygiene efforts except clipping/filing nails

2. Eating smelly food

and the number 1 worst thing that people do on the train is.......

1. Clippling/filing nails

1 comment:

ART said...

Too funny!