Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pooped Upon

so.... when i was 8 years old my friend's mom took us ice skating in DC near the U.S. Mint. This was over 20 years ago, so i doubt the rink is still there. While unlacing my skates after a tiring 30 minutes I was pooped upon by a pigeon. It was gross and scarred me for life. Ever since that happened I have had this fear of being pooped on. It usually only manifests itself when I am in an area that several birds congregate (outside Union Station, at the beach, near any body of water really...). My S.O. likes to make fun of me but it totally freaks me out to be around a large number of birds.
Fast forward 22 years to Sunday. A lovely unseasonably warm day in mid October. I decide to go for a walk since it is so nice outside. S.O. and I walk to Tide Point (his idea). We lounge on the promenade and while we are sitting there the sea gulls are circling. I know they can feel my hate for them emanating from me. After about 20 minutes we decide to head back to the house.
On the way back - minding my own business - i get pooped on. Right on my sunglasses and shoulder. GROSS!!!! AAAAHHH!!! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN! It was just a matter of time before they found me those bastards. Now i have to be extra vigalent when in the presence of birds.

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