Monday, August 06, 2007

Odd Phrases

So... again, on the train last week. It was Wednesday, August 1st. Most commuters get a monthly pass but sometimes people forget when a new month rolls around. Usually the conductors are cool if you have forgotten to purchase a new monthly pass as long as you show them you have the previous month's and that you promise that you will get a new monthly as soon as you get to the station...
So, on 8/1 one of the conductors was collecting tickets and some lady forget to get her new monthly, and the response from the conductor was, "Life is too short for me to kirk-out over that...."
Interesting. I have heard the term "kirk-out" before but i thought it was based on a guy I know who apparently used to "kirk-out" in college before he got on the meds.
Is this a universal term?

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