Monday, August 06, 2007

The MARC Train... it takes all kinds....

So - on my commuter train there are always different types of people. Most are regular commuters just like me, but occasionally you will have your tourist families and other random people heading to Washington for the day.
In the evening however, heading back to Baltimore we also have the people heading to BWI airport. These people are the worst.
They have no clue about train etiquette - such as not leaving your luggage in the middle of the aisle or not taking up more than one seat.
Seats are important on these trains. I've seen fist fights almost break out over a freaking seat.
So.... this one lady got on the 6:40 pm train out of Washington. IF on-time this train doesn't make it to BWI until 7:18 pm.
WHY would someone who has an 8pm flight take the 6:40 train?? It is beyond me. I just don't get it. If you are doing something new (like taking the MARC train) and you have no idea where you are going, wouldn't you give yourself a little extra time to get to your destination.
So, this lady from the other day is on the train and is frantically attempting to change her flight to a later one - but unfortunately there are no other flights to her destination. (another commuter rule - if you have to talk on your cell keep the volume down and keep it brief)
So she starts berating the person on the other end of the line about how that airline sucks and if she had flown with another airline this situation would not have happened b/c they would have had more flights.
Obviously this woman was insane. Seriously - did she think that the person at the reservation desk would be able to just add another flight to the schedule?
So... as the lady is talking with the reservation desk working on getting her on a flight the next day her cell phone died! The look on this woman's face was priceless! She just had to sit there and fume the whole way to BWI. It was pretty funny.

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