Sunday, April 15, 2007

welcome back - let's save the world

the last few weeks have been a little crazy. Had to go to Charleston, SC for work for 5 days. It was pretty cool. I had never been there before so i jumped at the opportunity. I learned about how we are totally destroying the environment and what the good people at NOAA are doing to save the oceans.

While we were tooling around the estuarine reserve I saw alligators and DOLPHINS! How cool is that?!

today: this weather is crazy! It is April 15th and we are expecting a NOR'EASTER to put the smackdown on the East Coast! I feel like we are in the movie "Day After Tomorrow." Soon we will see tornadoes in LA. For as cheezy at is is, i totally love that movie. I watch it all the time when the weather is nasty. it is a good reminder that we need to do more to protect the planet.

I think i am becoming a tree-hugger...

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