Thursday, April 26, 2007

Concerts: Rules to Live By

So... there are a few rules that concert goers must abide by if you don't want to look like a loser or seriously injure yourself.

You will see that most of these have some exceptions but should only be used when absolutely necessary....

The Rules:

1. NEVER wear the same artist/tour shirt that you are going to see. (Exception: you are wearing a T-shirt that you got 10 years ago the first time you saw the band and that particular tour totally rocked; or, you spilled something on your shirt that makes it unwearable (beer not an excuse) and therefore the only thing you can do is purchase a shirt at the show so that you have something to wear.)

2. NEVER wear open-toed shoes to a concert. For obvious reasons, when people get in a crowded setting like a bar or concert venue you can expect that your feet will get stepped on at least once - even if you have no intention of going into a mosh pit (see rule 3). (Exception: band is playing on a beach.)

3. Don't go into a mosh pit if you are over 30 years old - no exceptions for this one.

4. It is OK to bring your kid to a concert as long as you don't bitch about all of the bad words and drinking that the kid is going to be exposed to.

5. Don't drink too much - you want to be able to get home safely - a DD is the best way to go on this one. Also, you also might want to actually remember the show later on. - no exceptions to this one.

** In a perfect world ** all of the tall people would stay towards the back to allow the shorter people an opportunity to actually see the performers...

.... this is all i have for now - i will up-date this list as i get irritated at the shows i go to this summer and think up new rules.

please feel free to send me additional suggestions.


ART said...

Seriously, no mosh pit? I LOVE crowd surfing. Boo!

Hokie Girl 99 said...

Mosh pits are OK when you are younger than 30 years old. Over 30 and you might break a hip. ;-)