Friday, October 10, 2008

a-holes aplenty

On the MARC train today. Every kind I've ever mentioned are on the train today. I got to my seat 15 min before our departure time and it began with a lady in a wheelchair and her entourage of 3 people arriving on the train at 602 - 3 min before departure. This group not only displaced me and the 3 people sitting in my area but the other 4 people sitting by the door so her fat entourage of 3 people could sit and take up seating for 4 people.
The second a-hole appears as I begin to look for a new seat with 2 min left befor the train leaves. Now I'm the a-hole thinking I can get a seat this late in the game.
So... I start looking and immediately I find 2! Seats "available". In quotes because one seat was holding this guy's newspapers and the other seat was holding another guy's briefcase and starbucks iced coffee. Wow! 2 a-holes at once! I said excuse me (kinda loud on purpose so the other people in the car knew these guys were a-holes for taking up 2 seats each) and the news paper guy moved his papers so I could sit. Starbucks guy - now across from me working on his laptop - gave newspaper guy a look like "ha ha you got screwed" then a few seconds after everyone has settled in a guy from my car who was also displaced by wheelchair lady walked over and said "excuse me" loudly to starbucks guy who proceeded to grudgingly move his crap. Dude has like 8 bags and a big piece of luggage in addition to the stupid laptop he is working on. Thanks asshole.

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