Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Thoughts on the Election: 5 weeks out

I am really excited about this election because for the second time in my life (the first being 1996 voting for Bill Clinton) I am actually voting for SOMEONE. All previous elections were more about party politics than the candidate themselves.
I was and still am really disappointed in John Edwards. He was my first choice during the primaries and I would have voted for him if he hadn’t dropped out by the time Maryland had our primary election. I am disappointed in this whole affair business – but I can’t even imagine how disappointed I would be if he actually became our nominee and THEN his affair was exposed. I have no idea how I would react but I am sure that it would include a lot of anger and hurt feelings because we trusted him to lead our country.
I hope that Obama doesn’t leave us with anger and hurt feelings. I am really scared b/c I am going to vote for HIM and I just feel that it is a huge commitment. I guess I shouldn’t take it too personally, but really, this is an immensely personal decision we all have to make.
I know I am rambling so I will go now… I just wanted to share….

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