Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Heart (not) Grocery Shopping

I absolutely HATE going grocery shopping. My Shoppers Food Warehouse (also known as the Getro) is almost** the most ghetto grocery store ever. It is really hard to find a decent tomato or any produce really in that store. The deli counter workers must be on valium or something b/c they move sooo freaking slow. I've seen some really messed up people shopping in there. Often. I try to go to the Safeway across town when i can or to a store in the 'burbs if I am out that way already but it doesn't happen that often.
A new Harris Teeter is going to open but not until next year. *** I think because of the competition with HT, the Shoppers is "trying" to get better with their produce and general food selection but they have a long way to go - and honestly any changes they make will not be enough for me to continue to shop there once the HT opens.
The worse time in the world to go shopping is on Sundays. Only half the staff is working and everyone is stocking up on food for the week. Also - the worst time to go is between 6 - 8 pm on a weekday. I seriously ran in for one thing the other day and it took me 45 minutes.
Now - this morning I went shopping before work - got there at 7:15 am. It was awesome! I could walk the store at my own pace and there weren't screaming kids or people clogging the aisles. I got everything i needed - even hit the deli counter with no wait - and was out of there in 30 minutes with all the food i need for the week.
I am going to try to do this as often as i can.

More Thoughts on the Election: 5 weeks out

I am really excited about this election because for the second time in my life (the first being 1996 voting for Bill Clinton) I am actually voting for SOMEONE. All previous elections were more about party politics than the candidate themselves.
I was and still am really disappointed in John Edwards. He was my first choice during the primaries and I would have voted for him if he hadn’t dropped out by the time Maryland had our primary election. I am disappointed in this whole affair business – but I can’t even imagine how disappointed I would be if he actually became our nominee and THEN his affair was exposed. I have no idea how I would react but I am sure that it would include a lot of anger and hurt feelings because we trusted him to lead our country.
I hope that Obama doesn’t leave us with anger and hurt feelings. I am really scared b/c I am going to vote for HIM and I just feel that it is a huge commitment. I guess I shouldn’t take it too personally, but really, this is an immensely personal decision we all have to make.
I know I am rambling so I will go now… I just wanted to share….

Friday, September 26, 2008

from my new blackberry

I'm coming to you live from my MARC train on my way home from a very loooog week. Work was especially painful this week.
I just got a new blackberry for work. The keybord buttons are really close to each other and it makes typing kinda hard... That's all I wanted to say for now.

Monday, September 22, 2008


So, it is probably hard to see from this pic but this guy was totally taking up two seats on my train going home last night. Seriously what is it with guys? Do you really need to spread your legs so far apart when you sit down? Someone eventually sat next to him once the train started moving.


Husband and I went to the VT game last weekend in Blacksburg and had a great time! - hopefully i'll get some pics up soon. Tech won that game against Georgia Tech and we won this past Saturday too. Unfortunately we are still not ranked although we did get a few votes (63). Our opponent next week, Nebraska, is 3-0. Hhmm.... i'm glad we beat North Carolina the other day but we were really uneaven. I'm afraid Nebrasks will give us a run for our money.

Also - hubby and I went to the Raven's game yesterday - again, had a great time. Pro football is always fun - especially when you get suite level tix at the 50 yard line. Go Ravens!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 17(ish): Going As Well As Can Be Expected

So... in the interveining 12 days since I last posted we went to a Labor Day BBQ and cheated on the diet (more with alcohol than food really), I had a work staff retreat where I cheated (2 glasses of wine and some potato chips), and we played poker last weekend and we both cheated (wine and a cookie or 3). I think we are doing pretty well though. I am base minue 3.8 lbs and hubby is base minus 4. We are going to Blacksburg this coming weekend (YEA!) so we will once again be off the diet - but i think we are going to do another week of Phase 1 before we move on to Phase 2. God I can't wait. All I want is a freaking muffin and a sandwich. Now I just need to figure out where I can find whole grain muffins and bread - or learn how to bake them....

I am really looking forward to going to the 'Burg for the weekend. We got free Tix to the Georgia Tech game. I really hope we win. That whole East Carolina thing was soooo depressing. I don't know if I'll be able to blog during any of the games this season if we are going to suck this bad. I think i will just get more depressed. I mean, we are in a "building year" and all but still.....

anyways... GO VT!

BTW - the half marathon is now 4 weeks and 3 days away. I've ran 5 miles a few times the last 2 weeks but i need to up it to 6. I just don't know when i'm going to have the time. 6 miles takes over an hour for me. I just can't do it in the AM b/c I am so hot afterwards - even after I shower. I need to do it at night or over the weekend (not possible this weekend.) I am going to run 5 miles tonight when i get home from work. It is getting a little dark now around 8 so i'm kinda worried about that but i think i will be ok... i don't think i have any reflecty clothes tho... hm...

ok - that's it for now. - Peace!