Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another First

So... yesterday I ran for 6 miles. Another first! I am trying really hard to get myself ready for this half-marathon, but I am scared shitless. I am afraid that i am going to pass out or something and have to be taken away in an ambulance or something.... but i know if i finish it i know that i will have done something that only a very small percentage of the population has done and there is a good feeling about that. I just hope i finish. My goal is actually to finish in 3 hours. That would be an average of about 4 miles an hour. I figure I can run the first 6 miles in the first 65 minutes or so (avg 5.5 miles/hour) and then take a brake for a few minutes and then run again for 3 miles, walk a few minutes, run another 3 miles, etc until i get to the end. I figure if i can keep this pace then i might be able to finish in 2.5 hours. The race is in 3 weeks. Tomorrow I am going to try to run 6 miles again. I need to do it on the street though. We'll see how it goes. I have to do work tomorrow from 10 -12 pm. fun times...

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