Friday, January 06, 2012

Hello 2012

Clearly I am a slacker. I only posted twice last year. I do find it somewhat cathartic to post random musings to a blog that no one will read. I need to write more often. For now, let's say this: I am hoping to do the Cherry Blossom 10 miler again in April and I have 4 weeks to figure out whether or not my body will be able to physically handle it. The farthest I have run lately was 6 miles back in October 2010(!) when I did the Baltimore Marathon Relay. More recently I have been running 3 miles (at the Fort or gym). I really need to start kicking it into gear and running longer distances. In addition, I have need to get back on the wagon re: weight training. I am going to Aruba in 8 weeks from tomorrow and would really like to look at least a little bit better in my swim suit than I do today.

Here's my workout so far for this week:

Sun, Jan 1: n/a
Mon, Jan 2: Yoga Video (oh yea, DR said I need to do this to help w/ my back pain)
Tues, Jan 3: Elliptical at the gym, 45 minutes
Wed, Jan 4: Yoga Video
Thurs, Jan 5: Ran 3 miles, 34:44; walked 10 minutes, 3.5 mph
Fri, Jan 6: n/a

The plan for the next few days:

Sat, Jan 7: weights; some cardio
Sun, Jan 8: Run
Mon, Jan 9: Yoga video
Tues, Jan 10: cardio
Wed, Jan 11: weights

We'll see if I can stick to the plan.

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